Tuesday, August 27, 2013

the Corkiest of Boards DIY

This has been a long-running craft because I've been collecting wine corks for almost 2 years. This summer I finally had enough to make my cork board, just in time for the new apartment!

I patiently waited 2 years to collect all these corks instead of buying a big bag on Amazon because I thought it would be more fun to have a board of drunken memories repurposed to something so useful and aesthetically pleasing.

And this is how it happened:
Corks! collected from friends and family
Frame from Michael's ($7)
Hot Glue
Some kind of straight-edge knife 
...rounding up a $7 craft

1) I took out the plastic covering of the frame (along with the adorable puppy preset photo) and put it aside (I have plans to make it a whiteboard type canvas). I was left with the cardboard backing and the frame.

2) I laid out the corks in a chevron pattern, but you can do it in straight horizontal or vertical patterns so that you don't have to cut up corks to fit in the empty spaces.

I had to chop off the edges of the corks running along the far left side. Once all the full-sized corks were securely hot-glued in their position. I took to the cutting board and saw-ed the corks into smaller pieces to fit in the empty sockets here and there.

I can't wait to put it up and pin things. Make your own board of wine memories!

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